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Interview Anja header

What to do when your car suddenly breaks down? Anja found the ideal solution with Carvolution’s car subscription. Initially planned for a few months, she now keeps the vehicle much longer. In this interview, she reveals what prompted her to make this decision.

About Anja

Anja has been a customer at Carvolution for nearly two years and works as an independent coach in personal development. She appreciates the flexibility and convenience of the car subscription because she doesn't have to worry about anything. Her initial impression, that the subscription was only convincing for a short period, quickly changed. Anja is convinced that the subscription is also a financially sensible and cost-transparent solution in the long term, over several years.

How did you come to Carvolution, and what convinced you about the car subscription?

I urgently needed a new vehicle because my Tiguan had an engine failure, it was winter, and we were about to move. I didn’t have the time or desire to deal with car shopping. Carvolution seemed like a great short-term solution. What was decisive for me was that I clearly knew the monthly subscription costs—no hidden fees. In the past, I often had unexpected repairs of up to 5000 francs. With the subscription, I can easily calculate the costs, and I appreciate the simplicity and flexibility. Carvolution takes a lot of work off my plate: for example, I no longer have to store tires at home, which saves space. It's just convenient.

Did you spontaneously switch from your SUV to a Fiat 500?

Initially, I wanted another Tiguan because I was very happy with it. But my partner and I thought that we didn’t need a second SUV, since we are both self-employed and work from home a lot. He drives a Volvo XC60, and if we need more space, we use his car. Now, we love the little Fiat 500, which is our first choice, especially in the city and for shopping – my partner loves driving it too.

Was it clear to you from the start that it would be the Fiat 500?

For me, yes. Before the Tiguan, I always drove Italian cars. I love the Italian style, and the Fiat has a beautiful interior. I’ve always found it really cute.

Why did you extend the Fiat 500 subscription for three years when it was originally supposed to be a short-term solution?

Everything just fit. The transparent costs, the great service, and everything in one package – it's simple and flexible, exactly what I need. Plus, it's a better solution than my previous experiences.

Are there aspects of the subscription you find better than buying a car?

The big advantage with Carvolution is that you can regularly drive new, high-quality cars. When you buy a car, you often keep it for a long time, and the depreciation is huge. As the car ages, the risk of expensive repairs also increases. With the subscription, you don’t have these problems because you only pay for the fuel – I find that brilliant.

The only advantage to buying was deciding whether to fix small scratches or not; with the subscription, they always need to be repaired. We’ve also noticed that it’s almost impossible nowadays to sell an expensive car privately as a second-hand vehicle. People who can afford it go straight for new models. Paying for a car in cash is no longer trendy, in my opinion. My father used to say, "You only buy what you can afford." That mindset has changed a lot.

How do you rate the value for money of the subscription overall?

It's exactly what I need. In fact, I feel that I benefit more from the subscription than from owning a car. Of course, a purchased car can become cheaper over time, but overall, the subscription is the most cost-effective and practical solution for my needs.

If you had to sum up the car subscription in just two words, what would they be?

Flexibility and partnership. I think it's great that I can adjust things to suit my needs. It’s always about what I need and how well the service can adapt to that. Partnership is also crucial: as a personal development coach and entrepreneur, it’s important for me to work with people and companies that support and relieve me, so I can focus on what’s essential. The more you can implement that in different areas of life, the better. Otherwise, self-employment quickly turns into constant work, where you’re pulled in every direction and have to manage everything yourself.

What’s your impression of the Carvolution team?

Since I’ve had the car, I haven’t needed much contact, which is a good sign because there haven’t been any problems or damage. Whenever I’ve spoken to someone, it’s always been friendly, and I’ve never felt like I was being a bother or that my questions were unwelcome.

What do you wish for from Carvolution in the future?

My wish is that they add a Range Rover to their fleet. I've had my eye on one for a while – but only when our Volvo has run its course. Otherwise, everything can stay as it is, because it works well.

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