Navigation system
Navigation system

Navigating safely and reliably from A to B - that's what a navigation system needs to be able to do. However, there are many other criteria that you need to consider when buying a navigation system. In this blog, you will learn what is important in a navigation device.

More than just a map

A navigation system is characterized by maps. It is important that these maps are always up to date. Otherwise, it can quickly happen that a new road is not marked or you have to take the first exit at the traffic circle and not turn right. A good navigation device should always have up-to-date maps, which can also be updated easily and preferably free of charge. If you also intend to drive abroad, you will also need the maps of the respective countries, if they are not installed from the beginning.

Also interesting in the truest sense of the word are the so-called POIs, i.e. "Points of Interest". They mark interesting and important points on the map, like gas stations, hotels, restaurants, etc. This feature is especially handy in unfamiliar places where you want to quickly find a specific location.

Intelligent assistant

You should not do without some intelligent functions in a navigation system. A traffic jam warning system is now an integral part of most modern devices. This function is based on an integrated TMC receiver, which stands for "Traffic Message Channel". This receives traffic messages, which the navigation system in turn evaluates and then issues a warning based on this and calculates an alternative route.

Another important function is the lane change assistant, which helps you to stay in the right lane, even at unclear junctions and intersections. Particularly modern navigation systems also have intelligent navigation: they remember your preferences for route selection and driving behavior.

Attention speed cameras! - Your navigation system should not have this function

Some navigation systems have stationary speed cameras stored in their memory and point them out while driving. However, these integrated radar detectors are prohibited in Switzerland. So you should better do without this function when choosing a navigation device.

Operating options are crucial

An uncomplicated operating navigation system is essential. Modern navigation systems are operated via a touchscreen. There are various technologies such as multi-touch, where two fingers can be used for control. In addition, many devices have voice control, which enables operation while driving. Compatibility via Bluetooth or WLAN is also interesting for many, so that a connection to the Internet or cell phone is possible.

Not all screens are created equal

Apart from functionality, the quality of the navigation device is important. The screen represents the major part of the device and its quality should therefore be high, so that you do not have to make sacrifices in functionality or display. The display size should also be large enough so that the map is easy to see and small elements are easy to touch.


A navigation system is an indispensable companion for every driver. However, it is not part of the standard equipment of a car but investing in this little helper is definitely worth the money. With a Carvolution car subscription, a navigation system is already built into most cars. Many important functions such as the traffic jam assist, lane change assistance system or voice control are indispensable nowadays, while other functions are not absolutely necessary. In the end, it's up to you to decide which little navigation helper you want.


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