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Sascha initially wanted to buy or lease a new car. However, while searching for a suitable model, he discovered the Carvolution car subscription. Not only he, but also his friends and family, were sceptical about the monthly costs and possible unexpected costs when returning the car.

Despite his reservations, Sascha opted for a car subscription and is now drawing a conclusion after returning the car. In this interview, he explains how he compared costs in advance, what surprises awaited him when he returned the car and whether he regrets his decision in favour of a car subscription.

How did you find out about Carvolution and the car subscription?

I saw the TV commercial with Lea, the founder, a few years ago. At that time, I needed a new car and was wondering whether buying or leasing would be the best choice for me. When I heard about the car subscription and Carvolution, I took a closer look at Carvolution's concept and the cars.

What ultimately convinced you to take out a car subscription?

I first went to the website, got some initial information in the live chat and had a quote sent to me straight away. It was super fast and easy. I then had a phone call with a sales manager who explained everything in detail. I liked the concept of the car subscription, the offer but ultimately the price convinced me.

How did you perceive the price of the car subscription on the offer?

I was expecting a price in this range, as I had thought a lot about the costs beforehand. What am I currently paying for my car? How much money will I get when I sell my current car? How much would a Carvolution car subscription cost me on a monthly basis? What is included?

I would have to pay for costs such as new tyres, tyre changes, maintenance and repairs for my current car, but these are already included in the subscription price. The fixed monthly price of the Carvolution offer was therefore more than fair.

Did you compare the car subscription offer with leasing offers?

Yes, and that helped me a lot in my decision. I did the direct leasing comparison myself. I think Carvolution now also offers an online cost comparison, which is of course even more practical.

The biggest advantage for me was that I didn't have to make a down payment, which is often the case with leasing. Another important point for me was that I didn't have to worry about anything. All the services included in the subscription, such as insurance, taxes, registration, etc. are organised by Carvolution. Basically all I had to do was sign, pick up the car and drive off.

What was the reaction like in your environment?

Generally very good. I also recommended the car subscription to a friend. He opted for one and is now very happy with it.

However, some people have been critical about the cost and whether it is really cheaper than conventional leasing. And although the answer is a definite yes, I can't recommend the car subscription to everyone. But if you want to drive a new car, have nothing to worry about, are flexible about the term and expect a fixed monthly price, then Carvolution's car subscription is just right for you.

What is the biggest difference compared to your previous leased / bought car?

I've never had a new car before. I think that was the biggest noticeable difference for me. Plus, I don't have to worry about insurance, registration, or buying and storing tyres.

And if I had a parking damage, all I had to do was make a phone call and Carvolution took care of everything, including the bill. I can now say that Carvolution keeps its promises.

What convinced you, the price itself or the All-in-One package?

“The All-in-One package for the price.” So everything to do with the car, but I was also impressed by the contact with Carvolution, especially the friendly and helpful manner. My sales manager even arranged an offer for my old car and helped me with the sale. All in all, that made the difference.

Why did you return your car and no longer have a subscription?

I returned my Carvolution car for professional reasons. As I got a company car in June, I no longer needed my own car.

As the subscription would have ended in June anyway, I asked Carvolution if it was possible to return the car early. Although this is not stated in the contract, Carvolution was very accommodating. For a fee that was significantly less than the remaining monthly instalments, I was able to return the car.

Did you read reviews of the return in advance?

Yes, I read the reviews beforehand. Some reviews complain that you have to pay the excess per claim and not in total, but I can't understand that. You also pay an excess per claim privately, which has nothing to do with Carvolution in particular.

How was the return process for you?

I was a bit worried at first because of the reviews. When I was at your centre, an expert inspected and assessed the car. This process took about 40-50 minutes. I already knew what damage to expect. The expert found a few minor defects, but these were accepted and not charged for.

He then showed me the report and explained the assessment. When I received the invoice, I was surprised that it was even cheaper than I had expected. Overall, the return was very straightforward and positive, surprisingly good.

What can Carvolution do to improve the return process?

I think it's unfortunate that you have to return the car to Bannwil. My train connections weren't the best and Bannwil is very rural. That's why I had to go there with a colleague who brought me back home. More return locations would be desirable.

How was the contact with Carvolution before and during the subscription?

I was always able to contact them in a very straightforward way and when I was promised a quick response or handling of a matter, it always happened quickly. The Carvolution team consists of friendly, motivated and rather young people - it was easy to talk on the same level and I felt less like a customer and more like a partner of Carvolution.

Do you have any suggestions for improvement that you would like to share with us? What would you like to see from Carvolution?

It's difficult for me to criticise because I've already mentioned a lot of positive things. I just hope that you maintain the high standard, especially in customer service. Potential customers see the cost first, which can be discouraging. It's important that you stay true to your 'All-in-One' concept, as I think that's your recipe for success.

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